SES Units
The WA SES operates across 64 Units, covering 1,065 cities, towns, and communities. Our 2,000 volunteers are in service of every Western Australian who needs us, no matter where they are across our 2.6 million square kilometers' state.
Find an SES Unit
Western Australia is big. Really big. So big, in fact, that we service the largest emergency services jurisdiction in the world. We've created this Unit map to help you quickly locate your local Unit. You can also browse Units below.
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Specialist Units
- Canine SectionThe Canine section provides an invaluable additional skill set for emergency services response. Teamed with their highly trained search dogs, volunteers provide assistence in searches for missing persons.
- Communications Support UnitCSU provides vital expertise and technology to maintain reliable communications during major incidents. The unit operates vehicles which provide mobile satellite technology, high resolution video, and thermal imaging.
- State Operational Logistics Support Taskforce (SWORD Logistics)The State Operational Logistics Taskforce is the Department's logistics group for transport, stores, staging area management, fire support, land search and cyclone support state wide, not just Perth Metro.
Regional Units
- LAAlbany
- JAArmadale
- MRAugusta/Margaret River
- RDAustralind
- ZNBassendean
- ZBBayswater
- JBBelmont/Victoria Park
- OBBoddington
- MFBridgetown
- EBBroome
- MBBunbury
- MIBusselton
- JCCanning/South Perth
- FCCarnarvon
- VCCockburn
- MJCollie
- LDDenmark
- EDDerby
- MCDonnybrook
- FEEneabba (Coastal Districts)
- KEEsperance
- PEExmouth
- FGGeraldton/Greenough
- LGGnowangerup
- JGGosnells
- MHHarvey
- HKKalamunda
- FKKalbarri
- KBKalgoorlie-Boulder
- PKKarratha
- EKKununurra
- OMMandurah
- MAManjimup
- FMMeekatharra
- ZCMelville
- YMMerredin
- FOMoora
- LMMt Barker
- HXMundaring
- OAMurray
- MNNannup
- LNNarrogin
- PNNewman
- YNNortham
- ZXNorthshore (Perth)
- YPPingelly
- PHPort Hedland
- KRRavensthorpe
- ORRockingham/Kwinana
- PRRoebourne
- JSSerpentine-Jarrahdale
- FSShark Bay
- ZSStirling
- GSSwan
- PTTom Price
- YTToodyay
- GETwo Rocks
- ULUseless Loop
- YWWagin
- LWWalpole
- NJWanneroo/Joondalup